Wish you a happy and blessed Eid al Adha 古尔邦节又称宰牲节。

2023-10-04  来自: 西安快得特贸易有限公司 浏览次数:3163

Wish you a happy and blessed Eid al Adha


The Eid al-Adha festival is also known as the Eid al-Adha. Gulben Festival and Eid al-Fitr (Sacred Festival) and the Holy Day are listed as the three major Islamic festivals.


The festival is held on December 10th in the Islamic calendar. As with many important dates in the Islamic calendar, the exact date of the Eid al-Adha is determined by the moon phase and will fall on August 21 of the Gregorian calendar this year.


Muslims bathe and dress on this day, hold a ceremony, meet each other, and sacrifice the cattle and sheep to give each other a commemoration. There will usually be a holiday of about 5 days.



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