开斋节的饮食习俗 Eid Mubarak Dietary customs

2023-09-14  来自: 西安快得特贸易有限公司 浏览次数:3108

"开斋节"既是对圆满完成"拉马丹"(Ramadan)月斋功的庆祝,又是穆斯林家庭合家团贺,聚会相见的良宵美辰。在这天穆斯林男女要淋浴、燃香、更新衣,前往清真寺参加会礼,听阿訇讲"瓦尔孜"(讲经)。做完礼拜后,家家都要煎炸油香、馓子、麻花,有的还要宰鸡、宰羊,烹制本民族本地区独*风味的菜肴。如宁夏回民的清炖羊肉、粉汤饺子、手抓羊肉、糖醋鲤鱼;新疆的抓饭、烤全羊;兰州的牛肉拉面、清蒸鸡;西安的羊肉泡馍等。亲友相见,互道"色俩目"问好祝安。有的请阿訇到亡故亲友坟墓边诵读《古兰经》,悼 念亡故的亲人,以寄托哀思,祈求真主慈悯亡人早日进入天堂。

"Eid Mubarak" is both a celebration of the successful completion of "Ramadan" as the month of Ramadan, and is also a good evening for Muslim families to meet together and meet together. On this day, Muslim men and women need to shower, burn incense, update clothes, go to mosques to participate in the ceremony, and listen to aunts to speak of “Walker” (teaching). After the completion of the service, every family must fry oily incense, mussels, and twists, and some still slaughter chickens and slaughter sheep to cook their own unique dishes in this area. Such as Ningxia Huimin's stewed mutton, soup dumplings, mutton, sweet and sour squid; Xinjiang pilaf, grilled whole sheep; Lanzhou beef noodles, steamed chicken; Xi'an steamed mutton and so on. Friends and relatives meet each other and say goodbye to each other. Some asked Auntie to read the Koran to the side of the tomb of his deceased relatives and friends, to mourn the deceased relatives, in order to mourn and pray that the deceased person of Allaah will enter heaven as soon as possible.



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